Definitely check out this book “The Dream” by Gurbaksh Chahal!
His book is a must-read for a Internet Entrepreneurs who are looking for inspiration as well as important lessons from a young Internet Millionaire.
When “G” was only 16 years old he dropped out of school and started a successful performance based advertising network. He shares his experiences growing his company Click Agents and how he eventually sold it only 2 years later for $40 Million! After selling Click Agents to Valueclick, “G” eventually moves on to his next venture BlueLithium, a behavioral re-targeting company which he also sold for $300 million cash to Yahoo! at age 25.
You’ll really enjoy his business lessons, challenges he encountered along the way, his Indian Culture and the financial struggles his family faced while was growing up.
One of the biggest lessons you’ll learn is not getting too caught up in the details when starting out and worrying about having all your ducks in a row!
When you read this book you’re going to be blown away at how Gurbaksh was able to start this amazing company and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue in the first few months!
You can find Gurbaksh’s Book here at Amazon …
The Dream: How I Learned the Risks and Rewards of Entrepreneurship and Made Millions!
Wish you the best!
Robert Avila
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