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Credit card debt.

Have you ever stopped to look at the bottom of your credit card statements? If you do, you will see the year to date amount of interest you’ve paid. You will also see the amount of fees paid year to date.

We’re all very familiar that when we make minimum payments on a credit card that it will take us several years to actually pay off the principal. When you look at those additional interest fees paid each year you’ll probably be shocked!!!

When you think about the amount of interest you’re paying each month and over the years you’ll begin to realize that you are working your job to pay off your creditors. You go to work day in and day out and depending on the size of your debt, it’s possible a large portion of your income is going to credit card companies.

Are You Buried in Credit Card Debt?

By making these payments to credit cards month after month and year after year it’s as though you work for them! You have become an employee of the credit card company. You have become a residual income stream to your creditors with their excessively high interest rates sometimes reaching 29.99%.

When you finally sit down and put things in perspective and see that you’re driving to a job every day to pay your creditors, how does that make you feel? Unfortunately many of us out of habit make these credit card payments and not give it much thought. We may rationalize things with the simple belief that if we keep paying every month, eventually these credit cards will be paid off. Sometimes we fail to see how much interest and how much time it’s going to take to pay these cards off!

It’s important that we have an emotional connection to our debt.
Although it may be painful, our avoidance will cause even more pain in the future. By ignoring our situation and not facing our reality, this debt may linger for several years! Not only do we have an opportunity cost of what that money could have been used for, we also tack on multiple years and thousands of dollars of interest compounding by avoiding the situation.

Are You Buried in Credit Card Debt?

So the next time you receive your credit card statement I encourage you to take a look at that bottom portion of the statement. Look at that year to date amount of interest you’ve paid. Think about what you could’ve done with that extra income? Could you have gone on a vacation? Purchased a much needed new car? Had extra money for those unexpected emergencies? Would you have been able to put that money toward your savings?

When you allow yourself to feel the pain from the weight of your debt, then and only then will you become inspired to start taking action to get it paid off!

Get started today … Become aware of what you owe, the interest you are paying and put a plan in place to crush your debt!

Quit giving your hard earned money to credit card companies!

Submit your resignation now!

Wish you the best!


PS. Be sure to read ….

Are You Buried in Credit Card Debt?


Delusional Success is one of the most bizarre and fascinating things I have ever seen.

We all know the power of our subconscious mind. It is the software that determines what we manifest in our lives, yet very few know how to actively program the outcomes we desire.

This idea of delusional success is something that we can sometimes see very easily in others, however it may be not quite as obvious in our own lives.

My definition for Delusional Success is:

“Outrageous Optimism which ignores proven universal principles as well as current results to predict a future outcome. This behavior is also accompanied by a high level of enthusiasm.”

Here is an example.

You are very knowledgeable in your field and someone approaches you for your professional opinion and recommendation about a problem they are trying to solve or business they are trying to start. After hearing the details the one asking for your advice decides that they know better and the information, facts and figures you’ve provided just don’t apply to them nor their situation. They are going to succeed despite lacking a solid knowledge and business foundation. The example I am describing usually occurs when dealing with someone that is way in over their head. They are excited about step 5 in the process but they have know idea what step #6 through steps #3,000 are and that they even exist!

The example I have in mind is of someone with an online business going into one of the most saturated niches in the planet. A quest set out to compete with Goliaths of the industry while lacking financial backing, a business model, a business plan, a solid business differentiator and lacking employees to get it done!

When someone gets their mind set on an outcome … which is key of course in manifesting what you want, however substitutes business principles with complete delusional thoughts off success and ignoring lack of results they are doomed to spinning their wheels for eternity!

Delusional Success Syndrome is synonomous with the dreamer. It’s accompanied with a lot of talk about what will be however lacks a strategic plan and daily activity to get there. All the discussion and focus is on what will be … it’s foundation is purely based on hoping and wishing – not doing!

I’ve been there … perhaps you’ve been there. You may know someone who is living in a dream world and is completely off the deep end with their Delusional Success Syndrome. Sometimes it’s much easier to see in others than we can see it in ourselves. Sometimes we are in denial and want to point fingers at others so that we don’t have to face our own reality. Remember we are all mirrors for one another … what we see in others exists in ourselves, we just need to be aware of it.

The Solution for Delusional Success Syndrome? The Cure for Delusional Success Syndrome?

– Be honest with yourself.
– Acknowledge your reality.
– Be present in the now.
– Create a plan and stick to it.

Once you face the reality of now, accept where you are and layout a plan to get where you want to be (rather than daydream about it!) you can break the spell!!!

Allow those visions of the future to ignite you to take action now … and not freeze you with inactivity.


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Hypnotic Selling in Action

Hypnotic Selling is a skill set that involves using persuasive words very strategically during a conversation to influence another person by lowering their resistance.

I recently had the opportunity to see this in action while I was visiting a friend. My friend was waiting for her insurance agent to visit and update her policy. Prior to the insurance agent’s arrival, my friend kept telling me how she was worried about being sold more insurance! For at least a half hour that’s all I heard. She said “The only reason the agent was coming to visit me is so that they can increase my insurance premiums”. She also mentioned, “They could’ve just as easily updated my information over the phone. Why do they need to send someone over to my house? It’s to sell me more … I Know it!”

Based on what I’ve learned over the years I can already see this was going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy!

When the new insurance salesman arrived. He was very friendly. He was very polite. It was as though an old friend had returned home visit.

Right out of the gate he established himself as being a friendly non-salesman. He did a great job of building rapport.

My friend came right out and said “I don’t want to buy more insurance”. The insurance salesman laughed…

He said that “I’m not here to sell you more insurance, I’m only here to update your insurance information and update you on what coverage you do have.”

Now my friend kept saying “I can’t afford more insurance” … and the agent kept saying “I’m not here to sell you more insurance”.

Next, while the insurance agent reviewed his questions, my friend was asking what it would cost to purchase more insurance? The insurance agent responded that it may not even be necessary. He reassured my friend that he wasn’t there to increase the monthly insurance premium. One thing however he did mention was very very interesting.

During his conversation he kept saying the same phrase repeatedly…

He would say “If it’s reasonably doable to pay an extra $X, you could add additional coverage?”

“If it’s reasonably doable…”

This was the phrase that he repeated over and over again.

When he mentioned the additional monthly premium he followed up by saying “If it’s reasonably doable”.

It’s as though that phrase was a command. A command saying “It is reasonably doable!”.

Having experience in selling, hypnotic selling, persuasion and the sales process, it was very obvious to me what he was doing. He had been selling insurance for over 20 years and I believe that he didn’t even notice he was using that phrase over and over again. It was very natural to him the way the words just flowed.

As you can imagine, my friend purchased the additional insurance!

There are a few things in play here:

1. My friend had already convinced herself that they were going to be sold.

2. The salesperson used convincing subtle hypnotic language to make a sale.

3. I believe the insurance agent really had no intention of selling more insurance. He just responded to my friends requests when asked about additional pricing and coverage.

It was also apparent that the insurance agent was willing to update the paperwork and leave without any additional coverage or sale. His willingness to walk away made the offer even more compelling.

This meeting was very conversational and not the traditional sales pitch we see on a regular basis, it was very unsuspecting.

So the next time you are talking with a salesperson, pay close attention to their word selection. If you are dealing with a successful salesperson with years of experience, realize their word choices are not by chance. Nothing is left to chance.

The sales process is a very logical, strategic step-by-step method leading the conversation and one’s thoughts to say YES! There’s a lot of psychology involved!

Wish you the best!


PS. Here is another post that will really blow your mind: Does Hypnosis Really Work?


Does Hypnosis Really Work?

Does hypnosis really work or is it just a hoax?

The idea of hypnosis still eludes people today and for many it is seen as only entertainment like an act on the Las Vegas Strip. Over the past few months I have been a part of several conversations around hypnosis. The discussion is always the same. There are only one or two people out of every ten or so that belief in hypnosis and the rest are skeptics. In each of these discussions, I share my own personal experience that happened at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas.

I attended a Marshall Sylver show, it was his first performance at this new venue. My friend Rich attended with me. We were both huge Marshall Sylver fans and months prior we attended his Turning Point seminar. If you have the opportunity to attend Marshall’s Turning Point Seminar – Do It… It’s Awesome!

Now during this Hard Rock Hotel performance volunteers were asked to join Marshall on stage.

My friend Rich volunteered and limped up to the stage. (Earlier that week he twisted his ankle pretty bad)

There must have been about 20 people on stage or so and Marshall was performing a hypnotic induction and observing who was most susceptible. My friend Rich was then selected to be part of his show!

Now this is where things become very interesting.

Marshall then gave Rich the following hypnotic commands:

1. “Rich when you are back sitting in the audience and you hear me say HARD ROCK HOTEL you are going to become furious!”

2. “Now the second time I say HARD ROCK HOTEL, you are going to become even more angry with me and actually shout at me!”

3. “and the third time I say HARD ROCK Hotel, you are going to be so enraged, boiling over with anger that you are going to run up on stage and attempt to punch me in the face!”

After this …

Rich returns to his seat, we were sitting way in the last row of the venue. I looked over at Rich and he appeared like his eyes were glazed over. He appeared to be deep in trance!

Marshall then carried on with the show …. and then mentioned the phase “It’s so nice to be here at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino….”

Sure enough … I look over at Rich and he was pissed!

He starts shaking his head in anger.

Next …

Marshall continues his show … and for the 2nd time …. mentions “Hard Rock Hotel”

Rich now stands up … points at Marshall on stage and yells “I thought I told you to Shut Up!”

At this point … Marshall instructs those around us to move any glass bottles or anything else Rich could possible throw at him on stage!

Now this is the best part!

Marshall once again for the 3rd time says the phrase “Hard Rock Hotel”

Then …

Rick get ups from his seat…
Throws his chair out of the way…

And ….

Runs toward Marshall on stage in a complete rage!

Now remember Rich has a twisted ankle … he was hobbling around before the show.

As he ran up toward the stage it was as if his ankle was in perfect condition!

Once Rich made it on stage … ready to take a swing at Marshall…

Marshall commands SLEEP NOW!


Rich is laid out on the floor by Marshall’s assistants. His body completely became like a jellyfish as he collapsed into the assistants hands. He was laying on stage like a fish!

To finish off the show, Marshall leaves Rich with one more hypnotic suggestion. He tells Rich that when the show ends that he will greet and thank all the attendees as they exit the show!

Well, I waited for about 30 minutes for Rich after the show ended as he greeted every single person leaving!

It was unbelievable … something I will always remember.

You have to see it for yourself, you will be truly amazed when you see it with your own eyes!

Wish you the best!


PS. To learn about how hypnosis can be used to transform your beliefs to achieve your goals be sure to check out this simple course: How Self Hypnosis Will Unlock Your Potential

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There are many misconceptions about getting started with Google Display Ads within Google Adwords.

One belief that may be holding you back is that you will need a graphic designer to create your ads.

In this short video, you will learn how to utilize Google’s Display Ad Builder tool and create various display ad sizes, track performance as well as some tips on how to best create ad copy variations to maximize performance.

Wish you the best!
